Thanks to 13 wonderful contributors, Upgrade Status 4.2.0 is out today! The new version is beautiful in Gin (light and dark mode), but even looks better than before in core's Claro. It improves continuous integration compatibility and has more graceful parsing of Twig templates. It has an updated list of rectorable fixes and is more compatible with Nikic PHP Parser. Thanks (in alphabetical order) to andypost, bbrala, estherp, joseph.olstad, lhridley, loze, mglaman, moshe weitzman, mpaulo, Pasqualle, ressa, risforrocket and saschaeggi for their contribution! Read on to see all the new things!
Upgrade Status 4.2.0 looks beautiful in Gin
What started from fixing some dark mode incompatibilities resulted in a huge CSS cleanup to make Upgrade Status rely more on Drupal standard markup and classes, so admin themes like Gin can take full advantage of them for restyling. For best compatibility, the previous major CSS classes were renamed in the module, so the new native styling works without needing any change to Gin and other admin themes. The change is really dramatic in dark mode:

But there are also various subtle improvements in light mode in the table layout and page structure.

Even looks better in core's Claro theme
Better use of standard core elements even made Upgrade Status more at home in core's Claro. Notice the top summary table color and layout fitting into the design, alongside the native collapsible elements.

More useful in continuous integration systems
Upgrade Status 4.2.0 does not only improve the UI but the Drush integration also comes with correct exit codes to represent success / failure of Upgrade Status' checks. This allows to cleanly add Upgrade Status to continuous integration workflows and fail builds when new deprecated API uses are added.
Various small improvements
- People reported that the module failed with Nikic PHP Parser v5. The new version is now compatible with v5 while keeping compatibility with v4.
- Drupal Rector coverage information is reported for deprecated API uses found. A lot of new APIs got coverage since 4.1.0 and 4.2.0 includes an updated coverage list.
- While parsing Twig templates for uses of deprecated template elements, the module sometimes failed due to unrelated deprecated API uses found. These are now cleanly channeled into the result reports. A great side effect is that Twig template syntax errors will also be reported now in the results.
Thanks again for all contributors! There are a lot of interesting improvements in the queue to be finished, so more contributions are always welcome! An interesting area is to rework the export UI to allow for more export formats and support for Code Quality JSON output which would allow even more useful CI integrations especially in GitLab. See you in the queue!