Today I made a new 4.1.0 feature release of Upgrade Status available. Thanks to these 23 contributors: DrupalDope, Grimreaper, MacSim, PapaGrande, Shubham Rathore, abramm, akshay.singh, apaderno, arti_parmar, gorkagr, joelpittet, lamp5, leymannx, lostcarpark, marvil07, mrinalini9, nsavitsky, prudloff, randallquesadaa, rishabjasrotia, samir_shukla, thakurnishant_06 and wells.
The new release adds Drush 12 support, fixes PHP 8.2 and 8.3 compatibility and adds Drupal 11 environment readiness checking. Various additional bugs have been fixed related to CSS deprecation checking, info file handling and so on. This is also the first tagged release that relies on GitLab CI entirely for testing in three PHP and core version combinations.
I also did a triage of issues with proposed resolutions (and some without). One area very well represented and with various fixes proposed is to provide JSON and/or CSV output of analysis results. It would be great to unify the various approaches taken. One promising direction I think is to generate JSON compatible with GitLab CI Code Quality reports. While it would require further setup, I think it would be great if contributed projects could get information on deprecated code use right in their CI results. But other related issues are linked as well there. This has been proposed a while ago. If someone could pick it up and help bring it over the finish line that would be great!