Last year DrupalCon Szeged 2008 introduced a few new technologies for helping people find out where things are happening both in terms of on-site conference activities and extracurricular fun. We've introduced a digital whiteboard which was using fixed size Drupal node displays set up in a wiki form, so everyone could edit any whiteboard item. This was helpful for people checking in from hotel rooms for announcements and also on-site because the building was so huge (see below) that running to the whiteboard every so often was not an option.
Even after 1.5 years, people keep asking about certain things on the website, so I decided to start off with the whiteboard and explain how we did it. Sharing the exact solution we used to do would not cut it though, since we used Drupal 5 and some custom code based formatting, which would not be up to today's standards. So I recreated the whiteboard using the latest Acquia Drupal codebase instead, merely configuring some content types, permissions and a view.
For this starter recipe I used Drupal core and Views only from the Acquia Drupal package, so you can also repeat with just these modules only.
In an attempt to revitalize my blog, I recently switched themes, this time to the cool Magazeen theme and decided to highlight some fresh and inspiring content by cherry-picking tweets. Inspired by Dan Cederholm's Simplebits, where "tweets" were mixed with blog posts way before twitter was started, I decided to aggregate some of my tweets on my site. Let's see how I've done it.