Lots of things changed since I have posted the last "conference entry", most notably that the FrOSCon Drupal paper submission deadlines were extended until the end of this month.
This year, for the first time, a big two day Drupal event is going to be organized in Sankt Augustin, Germany as part of the FrOSCon 2007 conference (25th-26th August, 2007). Robert Douglass has more to say on this on the dedicated Drupal group, looking for speakers and sponsors for the event. The call for papers deadline of FrOSCon is closing up, you only have one week to propose a session on Drupal (or any other FrOSCon fitting topic) for the conference! Update: The Drupal session submission deadline for FrOSCon was extended to 1st July!
We were happy to welcome Dries Buytaert in Hungary at our Drupal conference, around one month ago. We had Marcell Kiss-Tóth helping us with a video camera, and after his hard work with the editing, the conference session videos are now downloadable. You are most probably interested in Dries' presentation, since all other sessions were in Hungarian. The downloadable is very good in audio quality. You can download the video from drupalconf.amon.hu or alternatively from liktor.hu.
As a side note, after the conference, I also decided to publish my Drupal lego figure shots, which were used in my presentation. These are licensed under a Creative Commons license, so you can reuse them in your presentations or build upon them if you wish.