I implemented some touch ups to the design of the Drupal.hu site recently, and although Edit Illyés (one of the top contributors in our local community) noticed that something is not right in Internet Explorer 6, we did not have a chance to look into it for some time. So finally, this became my opportunity to grab and test IEs4OSX, the brother of IEs4Linux.

Part of my Dock with IE6
Thankfully, there are people, who agree that Internet Explorer testing should not require a full virtual machine running with all the Microsoft Windows operating system booted up, let alone a completely different machine with this OS installed. IEs4OSX allows users to use the Darwine (Wine for OSX) system to run Internet Explorer versions from 5.0 to 7.0. Although the 7.0 version is still admittedly in beta stage. It run fine for me on Ubuntu with IEs4Linux, but my Mac runs on high CPU loads with it, and no page load ever finishes.
After all, this fine project (and some CSS modifications) saved Drupal.hu from going with the broken layout for IE6 users through the holidays.